Back & Neck

You’re not stuck with it. It can be fixed.

Back & Neck Pain

Problems with the neck and back can be two of the most frustrating and debilitating types of pain and injury that occur. 

There is a lot of misinformation and old wives tales when it comes to back pain in particular. However, contrary to what you may have heard, there is a great deal that can be done to help – you do not have to suffer forever!

We look at neck and back pain from a holistic, multifaceted perspective. The spine is an amazingly designed, highly complex structure that relies on the interaction of muscles, tendons, ligaments, discs, bone, cartilage and connective tissue to help keep it functioning correctly.

We have created a hands on treatment and rehabilitation philosophy that utilises what we feel are the best approaches of different healthcare professionals (physios, osteopaths, chiropractors, soft tissue specialists, strength and conditioning, podiatrists/biomechanical evaluation) so that we can achieve the best outcomes for you.

At Achieve Physiotherapy we genuinely believe we provide the best care around, the ‘Why Achieve’ tab at the top of the page explains exactly why. If you would like to discuss what we can do for you, or if you’re in need of some advice, please feel free to get in touch; we would be delighted to help. 

What We Treat

Types of back and neck pain we commonly see include: