Biomechanical Assessment

We at Achieve Health are specialists in the field, aiming to ensure we can provide biomechanical assessment to everyone.


Biomechanical assessment is a valuable tool within the field of physiotherapy, enabling healthcare professionals to analyse the body’s movement patterns and identify underlying musculoskeletal dysfunctions.

What is Biomechanical Assessment?

Biomechanical assessment is a systematic evaluation that focuses on analysing the movement patterns, posture, and alignment of the human body. It utilizes a combination of observation, measurement, and analysis to identify any abnormalities or dysfunctions that may contribute to pain, injuries, or movement limitations.

The Importance of Biomechanics in Physiotherapy

Biomechanics is a fundamental aspect of assessment at Achieve Health as it helps understand how the body moves, functions, and interacts with external forces. By examining biomechanics, practitioners can gain valuable insights into the root causes of musculoskeletal conditions, enabling them to develop targeted treatment plans and interventions.

Conducting a Biomechanical Assessment

During a biomechanical assessment, the practitioner will conduct a thorough examination of the patient’s movement patterns, joint range of motion, muscle strength, and posture. This assessment may involve tasks such as walking, running, squatting, or performing specific exercises to evaluate functional movements.

Benefits of Biomechanical Assessment

Biomechanical assessment offers several benefits as a treatment option within physiotherapy practice:

Application of Biomechanical Assessment in Physiotherapy Treatment

Biomechanical assessment findings inform the development of targeted treatment plans that address the specific dysfunctions identified. Practitioners may incorporate various interventions such as corrective exercises, manual therapy, therapeutic modalities, and movement retraining to restore optimal biomechanics and improve functional outcomes.

Enhancing Treatment Plans with Biomechanical Insights

By integrating biomechanical insights into treatment plans, practitioners can optimize the effectiveness of interventions. They can focus on addressing movement compensations, muscle imbalances, faulty biomechanics, or faulty movement patterns that contribute to pain or dysfunction. This comprehensive approach leads to more successful outcomes and improved patient satisfaction.

Biomechanical Assessment and Injury Prevention

Biomechanical assessment plays a crucial role in injury prevention strategies. By identifying movement abnormalities or imbalances, physiotherapists can design targeted exercise programs, provide education on proper biomechanics, and guide individuals in optimizing movement patterns to reduce the risk of future injuries.


Biomechanical assessment is a powerful tool in physiotherapy practice, enabling healthcare professionals to gain valuable insights into the body’s movement patterns and identify underlying musculoskeletal dysfunctions. By analysing biomechanics, we can develop targeted treatment plans, enhance treatment outcomes, prevent injuries, and optimize performance. Whether it’s addressing pain, improving function, or optimizing movement, biomechanical assessment unlocks the potential of physiotherapy treatment and we at Achieve Health at thrilled to be able to offer it to you. 

Contact us for more information.


Is biomechanical assessment only for athletes?

No, biomechanical assessment is beneficial for individuals of all activity levels. It can help identify movement dysfunctions, imbalances, or postural issues in anyone experiencing pain, limitations in movement, or seeking to optimize performance.

How long does a biomechanical assessment typically take?

The duration of a biomechanical assessment varies depending on the complexity of the individual case and the thoroughness of the evaluation. On average, it may take between 60 to 90 minutes to complete a comprehensive assessment.

Can biomechanical assessment help with chronic pain conditions?

Yes, biomechanical assessment can be valuable in identifying biomechanical factors contributing to chronic pain conditions. By addressing these factors, physiotherapists can develop targeted treatment plans to manage and alleviate chronic pain.

Is biomechanical assessment suitable for all age groups?

Yes, biomechanical assessment is applicable to individuals of all age groups, from children to older adults. It is particularly valuable for assessing movement patterns, detecting imbalances, and addressing musculoskeletal issues in people of different ages.

Is biomechanical assessment covered by insurance?

Insurance coverage for biomechanical assessment may vary depending on the insurance provider and the specific policy. It is advisable to consult with the insurance provider and the physiotherapy clinic to determine coverage details.