
Players can sustain a variety of injuries in the physically demanding and dynamic sport of hockey.

What We Treat

Physiotherapy can help treat and rehabilitate all hockey related injuries to ensure a full return to the demands of hockey. We have significant experience at Achieve Health, supporting a lot of club, county and national field hockey players.

Typical injuries suffered by hockey players include the following:

Ankle Sprains:
Ankle sprains happen when the ligaments that support the ankle joint are torn or strained. In hockey, sudden changes in direction, varied pitch surfaces, and collisions with other players can all cause ankle sprains. Our clinicians can ensure a return to hockey through hands on treatment, strengthening and rehabilitation. Ankle sprains are commonly reoccurring unless treated and rehabbed properly – so don’t ignore!

Knee Injuries:
Hockey players are susceptible to knee problems such patellofemoral pain syndrome, meniscus tears, and ACL tears. Sudden stops and turns, direct knee impact, or repetitive stress on the knee joint can all cause these injuries. It is key players are strong and biomechanically sound to withstand playing without injury. We can aid prevention of injury as well as recovery from injury.


Back Pain:
Due to the playing position of hockey, back pain or stiffness can be common. Its key to ensure the right muscles and movement patterns are occurring while playing – we can assess to ensure the back/spine isn’t under undue stress. We specialise in back and spine health so combined with our sports injury knowledge – we can help any age hockey player with their back pain. Don’t ignore it.

Shin Splints:
Pain and swelling along the shin bone are the hallmarks of shin splints. Shin splints may occur as a result of the hockey’s repetitive contact and running. Footwear and orthotic advice is something we can provide alongside gait and strength analysis.

The fingers, hands, wrists, and collarbone are just a few of the body parts that might sustain fractures. In hockey, fractures can result from direct impact from sticks, balls or collisions with other players. Its key to see a Physiotherapist to aid recovery and return to full strength.

Sprained Wrists:
Players who fall on an outstretched hand or who collide with another player may have sprained wrists. The wrist ligaments may be strained or torn by the strong impact.

Bruises and Contusions:
Hockey players frequently come into contact with sticks, balls and other players. This can lead to bruises and contusions on numerous body areas. You may not think Physiotherapy can help – but we can. Removal of bruising/oedema can reduce pain, stiffness and allow return to play quicker. This also prevents the risk of injuries that has been proven to be linked to previous trauma/bruises. 

Shoulder Injuries
Hockey players who sustain shoulder injuries, such as rotator cuff strains, dislocations, or separations, may require surgery. These wounds may develop as a result of falls, collisions, or constant overhead movements. We can help, pre or post op, or with any non-surgical injuries.


The treatment and recovery of all these injuries in hockey players are greatly aided by physiotherapy. It eases discomfort, accelerates recovery, allows for the regaining of functionality, and avoiding further injuries.

Interventions Achieve Health may use include:

• Pain and inflammation can be reduced with pain management methods including heat, rolling or shockwave.

• Manual/hands on therapy, such as deep soft tissue massage and manipulation, to increase soft tissue healing, flexibility, and joint mobility.

• Programs of progressive exercise help increase stability, strengthen the afflicted area, and restore functional movement patterns.

• Biomechanical assessment and gait analysis.

• Training in balance and proprioception and plyometrics can improve coordination and stop injuries from happening again.

• Drills and movement retraining that are specific to the sport are used to safely reintegrate participants into hockey activities.

How We Can Help!

To reduce the likelihood of future injuries, instruction is provided on effective warm-up methods, equipment use, and injury prevention tactic – all specific to hockey.

The nature and extent of the damage will determine the length of the treatment and its details. To guarantee a safe and effective return to the sport, hockey players should work closely with a physiotherapist and we here at Achieve Heath are in a great position to help