
Greg is a specilaist MSK (musculoskeletal) practitioner and sport rehabilitator with a level 3 personal training qualification. He has a sporty background, playing Rugby Union and Tennis competitively for over 10 years.

Greg has experience working with all ages and abilities including international rugby players, olympic level athletes and academy football players, helping them to achieve their goals. He is passionate about helping patients from all walks of life, both sports and non- sports injuries alike, with a particular interest in spinal issues and long term injuries.

He specialises in the strength and conditioning component of injury rehabilitation, coupled with hands on manual treatment techniques such as deep soft tissue massage and joint manipulation. Together with other treatment techniques and management strategies, Greg is able to help you return to optimum health and prevent any issues in the future. 

Monday, Tuesday & Friday @ Combat Sports Centre  

Wednesday & Thursday @ Solihull High Street
