
While yoga is generally a low-impact and gentle form of exercise, injuries can still occur, especially when proper form and alignment are not maintained.

What We Treat

Here are some typical problems that yoga practitioners could face and how physiotherapy and Achieve Health could help:

Sprains and Strains:
Overstretching and stress from more complex positions can cause muscles or tissue damage. Physiotherapy can help manage sprains and strains of the muscles by using manual therapy, stretching, and exercises that target the damaged muscle group specifically. Shockwave, fascial release, cupping and needling are examples of modalities that we could use alongside our hands on skills. We can advise on proper stretching techniques that are bespoke to your anatomy – not everyone can do the same movement in the same way – its important to make sure you’re moving safely and to the benefit of the right structures.

Elbow and Wrist injuries:
Wrist or Elbow Tendonitis is an example of a more common yoga injury due to the repetitive loading through the wrist and holding certain positions. Physiotherapy can help manage and heal wrist tendonitis using strategies like manual treatment, wrist-strengthening and -flexibility exercises, and adjustments to weight-bearing positions. Yoga position adjustments and instruction on good alignment can also be given.


Shoulder Injuries:
Exercises to increase shoulder stability, stretching of tight tissues, and manual treatment techniques to relieve discomfort and return to normal shoulder mechanics are all possible physiotherapy interventions for different shoulder pathologies. Yoga asks for the body to be strong and hold certain positions: its important your shoulder is doing this correctly using the right muscles – we can screen and check all positions


Lower Back and Hip Pain:
Yoga practitioners who experience lower back pain or hip often benefit greatly from physiotherapy. Exercises to increase core stability and flexibility, postural correction, manual therapy techniques, and instruction on optimal body mechanics for yoga poses are all possible treatment options. A tailored programme can ease discomfort, strengthen the back, glute and abdominal muscles, and stop recurrences. Mobility is key to yoga and if the wrong structures are working in certain poses, pain and injury can easily occur, sometimes you are compensating without realising it.


Knee Pain
prepatellar bursitis.
Many people can suffer with pain when kneeling or develop tightness through their quad muscles. Its key your mobility is assessed to see why the knee is under strain. Treatment can be done to address pain and speed up healing as well as a strengthening programme – and more – to prevent the problem reoccurring. Yoga poses that put too much strain on the knee joint can be modified, if necessary.


How We Can Help!

Injury management, rehabilitation, and prevention are the main goals of physiotherapy for yoga practitioners.

Physiotherapists can assist people in recovering from injuries, enhancing their general yoga practice, and preventing further injuries by addressing particular injuries, enhancing alignment, and offering individualised treatment programmes. In order to support patients physical wellbeing and encourage a safe and joyful yoga experience, we can closely collaborate with yoga practitioners, in house, to build specialised programmes that include manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, education, and lifestyle adjustments.