
Swimming is a low-impact exercise that has numerous advantages for heart health and general fitness.

What We Treat

However, injuries are still a possibility for swimmers – any age, whether an elite athlete or as a hobby – we can help get everyone back to their optimal performance!

The following list of common injuries experienced by swimmers includes treatment options for each one:

Shoulder Injuries:
Swimmers frequently get shoulder impingement because of the sport’s constant overhead movements. The rotator cuff tendons may become inflamed and painful as a result of this. Exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles, enhance scapular stability, and address any muscle imbalances are all things that physiotherapy may do to help. Techniques used in manual therapy, such as soft tissue massage, cupping, fascial release and joint mobilization, can also aid in pain relief and the return of healthy shoulder mechanics. It is key the shoulder complex is working in the correct way for each stroke, we can assess all movement patterns and create a rehabilitation plan around this.


Lower Back Pain:
The hyperextension of the spine during swimming strokes might cause swimmers to feel lower back pain. Treatment to relive pain and heal the injury includes; massage, cupping, needling, joint manipulation and mobilisations. Exercises to increase core strength and stability, hip and thoracic spine flexibility, and core stability are all things that physiotherapy may help with. Additionally, corrective exercises and posture training can assist to improve general spinal alignment and lessen lower back stress.

Knee Injuries:
The breaststroke kick particularly can put stress on the knee joint, can cause knee injuries in swimmers. Patellofemoral discomfort syndrome and sprained knee ligaments are other common knee ailments we see and treat successfully. Strengthening exercises for the quadriceps and hip muscles, biomechanical analysis, and technique modification are all possible physiotherapy therapies


Neck and Upper Back Pain:
The constant head-turning required for breathing can cause neck and upper back pain in swimmers. In addition to strengthening the muscles that support healthy posture, physiotherapy can aid by offering exercises that increase neck and upper back mobility. Additionally, tension can be reduced and regular movement patterns can be restored with the aid of manual therapy techniques like mobilisations and soft tissue release. We can assess everything from breathing, muscle strength, mobility, stroke technique and biomechanics.


How We Can Help!

Swimming-related injuries are managed and prevented in large part by physiotherapy.

The use of manual therapy, exercise therapy, education about injury prevention, and pain management techniques are all possible treatment modalities. In order to reduce the risk of injury and improve swimming performance, we can also offer advice on optimal stroke technique, breathing patterns, warm-up and cool-down routines – to make you the most efficient swimmer possible!