
Like other racket sports; owing to the global use of all joints and level of athleticism: squash players can get injuries across their whole body.

What We Treat

Squash is fast-moving, physically taxing, and requires repetitive strokes, ultimately, it’s a sport that requires quick movements. Due to the nature of the sport, squash players are vulnerable to a variety of injuries. These injuries that squash players frequently experience and what we can do to help include:

Ankle injuries:
Due to the quick direction changes, twisting, and possibilities for landing on an uneven surface, ankle injuries are frequent in squash. Physiotherapy is key to recovery and rehabilitation after an ankle sprain – whatever severity. Treatment followed by exercises to re-establish ankle stability, strength, and balance will be undertaken. To avoid re-injury, balance training, proprioceptive exercises, and taping methods can be employed.



Knee injuries:
Squash players are susceptible to knee problems such as patellar tendinitis, meniscus tears, and ligament sprains. These injuries may develop as a result of playing sports that include frequent jumping, lateral movements, and high knee impact. Exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee, stability drills, and treatment such as hands on massage, needling, shockwave and more are used for pain reduction and tissue healing.


Shoulder Injuries:
Rotator cuff tears, impingement syndrome, and unstable shoulders are common among squash players. Through exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff and scapular stabilizers, manual treatment techniques to increase joint mobility, and posture correction, physiotherapy can help manage these ailments. Additionally, the shoulder joint can be protected from overuse and stress with the right warm-up routines and technique.


Back Injuries:
Back injuries, such as muscular strains or disc-related problems, can result from the repetitive bending, twisting, and reaching actions required by squash. Through exercises, manual therapy, and postural correction, physiotherapy can aid with pain relief, posture improvement, and core muscle strengthening. Back injuries can be avoided by receiving education on good body mechanics and ergonomics. We also provide gait and biomechanical assessment.

How We Can Help!

Physiotherapy and strengthening exercises play a vital role in the management and prevention of injuries in squash players. 

The use of manual therapy, exercise therapy, education about injury prevention, and pain management techniques are all possible treatment modalities. A thorough strengthening regimen that concentrates on the lower body, core, and upper body can increase stability, lessen the chance of injury, and improve on-court performance. We can also offer advice on stretching procedures, technique adjustments, and warm-up routines to improve squash players’ general health and longevity in the sport.