
Pilates is a form of exercise that focuses on improving strength, flexibility, balance, and body awareness and one that we highly recommend.

What We Treat

Although Pilates is often a secure and low-impact form of exercise, injuries can still happen with any physical activity. Here are some typical ailments that those undertaking Pilates could have, and how physiotherapy might be of assistance:

Sprains and Strains:
Exercises and movements used in pilates are repetitive, which can result in overuse ailments such tendinopathies or stress fractures. By determining the underlying variables, executing a step-by-step progression of exercises, adjusting technique, and allowing enough rest times, physiotherapy can assist in managing these injuries.

Through techniques including manual therapy, stretching, and strengthening exercises tailored to the damaged muscle region, physiotherapy can help manage muscular strains and sprains. Shockwave, needling, joint manipulation, cupping and other modalities that we offer, can also help in pain management and healing.


Neck and Back Pain:
Pilates workouts frequently emphasise spinal mobility and core strength. However, improper posture, excessive poorly controlled spinal flexion or extension, or abrupt movements can cause strains or issues in the spine. The use of exercises to increase core stability, the development of a progressive Pilates programme to support spinal health, and education on good alignment and technique are all services we offer.

Through manual therapy methods, exercises to increase flexibility, core stability, and postural alignment, as well as instruction on optimal body mechanics during Pilates exercises, physiotherapy can address these problems. Fixing injury and preventing future injury is vital, don’t let the same pains come back: get your strength, mobility and biomechanics assessed.


Ut enim ad minima veniam
Quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur.


Shoulder Injuries:
Exercises in pilates that require carrying weight on the hands or motions with the arms raised aloft can strain the shoulders. Especially if the wrong muscles are controlling the movements.  Through exercises to strengthen the shoulders, stretches for tight tissues, and manual treatment techniques to ease discomfort and return normal shoulder mechanics, physiotherapy can treat shoulder ailments.


Knee Injury:
Knee problems like patellofemoral discomfort or ligament strains can be caused by improper alignment, overloading, or doing workouts incorrectly. Through stretching exercises, exercises to strengthen the hips and the core, and strategies to address alignment and movement patterns, physiotherapy can help manage knee issues. Exercises in Pilates that put too much strain on the knee joint may need to be modified.


How We Can Help!

The care, recovery, and prevention of injuries are the main goals of physiotherapy for Pilates practitioners. 

Physiotherapists can assist people in recovering from injuries, enhancing their technique, preventing more injuries, and improving their overall Pilates practise by addressing particular ailments, enhancing alignment and technique, and offering individualised treatment programmes. In order to support their physical wellbeing and encourage a safe and effective Pilates experience, we can help build specialised programmes that include manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, education, and lifestyle modifications.