
Cricket is a sport that requires a combination of quick, repeated movements and sustained physical effort.

What We Treat

We have worked with a large number of cricketers, not only to recover from their injury but also maximise their game. We can aid with pain relief, healing, strengthening work and improve bowling speed, batting power and much more!

Cricket players may experience a variety of common injuries, including:

Shoulder injuries:
Rotator cuff strains, labral tears, and impingement syndrome are just a few of the shoulder problems that can occur when playing cricket due to the frequent throwing, bowling, and fielding movements. Through exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles, enhance scapular stability, and regain range of motion, physical therapy can assist manage these ailments. To lessen pain and inflammation, modalities like hands on treatment, joint mobilisation, cupping and shockwave can be used.


Back injuries:
Back pains, such as muscular strains, stress fractures, and disc-related problems, are common among cricket players. Cricket actions like bowling and batting, which are repetitive and asymmetrical, can strain the spine. Through exercises, manual therapy methods, and focused strengthening programs, physiotherapy can help with pain management, core stability improvement, and posture correction.


Hamstring injuries:
Hamstring strains are possible because to the sprinting, abrupt changes in direction, and explosive movements involved in cricket. Through a combination of stretching, strengthening exercises, manual treatment, and incremental return-to-sport programs, physiotherapy can aid in the recovery of hamstring injuries. To speed up recovery and prevent re-injury, strategies including eccentric loading exercises and explosive training are frequently used.

Knee Injuries:
Cricket players may have knee injuries such as patellar tendinitis, meniscus tears, and ligament sprains (such as the ACL or MCL). Sudden stops, rotating, or direct strikes to the knee joint can all cause these injuries. Exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee, stability drills, and modalities like hands on treatment for pain reduction and tissue healing are all possible physiotherapy approaches.


Oblique/side Strain:
Cricket players, particularly fast bowlers, are susceptible to side strains, commonly referred to as “oblique strains,” because of the rotating forces involved in bowling. Exercises to progressively regain strength, flexibility, and functional motions can be used in physiotherapy to aid in the rehabilitation process. To lessen discomfort and encourage healing manual treatment will always be used also. We can help reduce the risk of reinjury and even increase bowling speed and power.

Finger injuries:
Finger or hand fractures aren’t uncommon in cricket from the impact of the ball; Physio can help strengthen once healed. Soft tissue damage can also occur to the tendons, (for example Mallet Finger) – this can create swelling, pain and stiffness. Physio can help the healing, remove pain and swelling and increase function. Its surprising how much we can help even with catching/impact injuries: don’t drop another catch!

How We Can Help!

In the treatment and recovery of these injuries in cricket players, physiotherapy is crucial. 

The use of modalities, exercise therapy, manual therapy techniques, and education about injury avoidance are some possible treatment options. Cricket players and physiotherapists can collaborate closely to create specialised rehabilitation programs, correct biomechanical concerns, and improve on-field performance while lowering the risk of further injuries. Maximise your game now: whether you’re a batter, bowler or both!