
Athletics comprises a variety of events and we at Achieve Health have experience in treating athletes; elite or amateur, of all ages and getting them back to their discipline, injury free and stronger!

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What We Treat

Within our Achieve Performance and training facilities, we have directly supported and treated athletes from an amateur hobby level up to an Olympic qualifying level and international level.

Athletes who compete in the various events of athletics may be prone to specific types of injuries based on the physical demands and movements involved. Here are some common injuries that athletes in different events may experience and how physio can help:

Sprint Events:
Sprinting disciplines are explosive, can involves rapid acceleration and repetitive training. Sprinters can suffer from a variety of injuries such as listed below and we can help with the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of future issues in all of these examples (and more!). Hands on treatment, manipulation, cupping, stretching and strengthening are all key components of Physio, but also gait and biomechanical assessment will be done to find any possible causes or movement pattern issues which would be amplified when sprinting. We can likely not only aid with healing but highlight areas to work on to increase speed, power and your PBs!


Middle-Distance and Long-Distance Events:
At theses distances, athletes commonly suffer due to the repetitive nature of their training and their events. Examples of such injuries are listed below. In these cases, physiotherapy aims to alleviate pain and promote healing through techniques such as manual therapy, taping, orthotics, and specific strengthening exercises for the lower leg muscles. Gait analysis and correction, as well as footwear assessment, may be included to prevent recurrence.


Hurdle Events and Steeplechase:
Athletes participating in hurdle events or steeplechase may be at risk of hip, knee and ankle injuries, due to the jumping and landing involved, as well as the running. Looking at the body as a whole is key due to the movement pattern of hurdling. The link from the arm movement, to the hips, knees and ankles is vital. We treat many athletes with hip injuries and mobility issues also. Treatment such as deep soft tissue massage, joint manipulation and shockwave may be offered. Then rehabilitation involving specific drills, strength and conditional and plyometric work will be done, with likely assessment of biomechanics too.


Jumping Events:
Jumping athletes are at risk of landing on an unstable surface or in an awkward position, which can result in several injuries. Also, repetitive jumping such as in the high jump or triple jump, can lead to inflammation in the tendons – such as in the knee ie. Jumper’s knee. The sprint in the long jump can lead to injuries such as in the sprinting section above.


Throwing Events:
Athletes participating in throwing events, such as shot put or javelin throw, may experience shoulder injuries, including rotator cuff strains, labral tears, or impingement syndrome. Also, the repetitive and powerful throwing motion can lead to overuse injuries in the elbow. Physiotherapy can help with removal of inflammation, reduction of pain, healing and strengthening. A bespoke rehab programme is key for throwers to ensure maximisation and optimisation of the correct muscles: our biomechanical and physiological based strengthening has led to many PBs even post injury!


Combined Events (Decathlon/Heptathlon):
Athletes competing in combined events may be susceptible to overuse injuries due to the extensive range of events and training load. These can include stress fractures, tendonitis, or muscle strains.

How We Can Help!

There are various other events and sub-disciplines within athletics, including race walking, cross country, and ultra-distance races.

Each event requires specific physical attributes, technical skills, and training methods. Athletes specializing in different events often have unique training programs tailored to their specific needs – and we can help with this! Achieve Health is not just about the injury – were about optimising you to your best!

It’s important to note that individual athletes’ susceptibility to certain injuries may vary based on factors such as training techniques, biomechanics, conditioning, and previous injury history: we will assess all of these.