
Lacrosse is a fast-paced, contact sport that involves running, cutting, and physical contact between players. Lacrosse players are prone to a variety of injuries, like with any sport.

What We Treat

Here are some typical ailments that lacrosse players could sustain and how physical therapy can be beneficial:

Ankle Sprains:
Due to the frequent direction changes, turning, and probable contact with other players, lacrosse players frequently sustain ankle sprains. Our clinicians can ensure a return to hockey through hands on treatment, strengthening and rehabilitation. Ankle sprains are commonly reoccurring unless treated and rehabbed properly – so don’t ignore – there’s many ways we can help.


Knee Injuries:
Patellofemoral pain syndrome, meniscus tears, and ligament sprains (such as ACL or MCL tears) are all possible knee injuries in lacrosse. Sudden stops, pivoting, cutting motions, and collisions with other players are common causes of these injuries. In order to correct any movement abnormalities or deficiencies, physiotherapy interventions may include exercises to strengthen the lower limb muscles, proprioceptive training, and biomechanical analyses.


Shoulder Injuries:
Shoulder dislocations, labral tears, and rotator cuff strains are among the shoulder problems that lacrosse players are susceptible to. Throwing, checking, and shooting all entail repeated overhead motions that might lead to injury. Through exercises to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles, increase scapular stability, and improve shoulder mobility, physiotherapy can assist manage shoulder issues. To reduce discomfort, help heal, and enhance shoulder function, manual therapy procedures such as joint mobilisations and soft tissue release may be used.


Because lacrosse is a contact sport, concussions and other brain injuries are possible. Through instruction on symptom management, gradual return-to-play guidelines, and the use of exercises to correct any balance, coordination, or vision deficiencies brought on by the concussion, physiotherapy plays a part in concussion care. Treatment of any whiplash or subsequent tightening/spasming tissues in the neck and head can also be done. For athletes who have had a concussion, working with a multidisciplinary team that includes medical professionals and neuropsychologists is essential to their safe return to play.

Hamstring Injuries:
Lacrosse players may suffer from hamstring strains as a result of the sport’s intense sprinting and cutting movements. Through a combination of stretching, strengthening exercises, manual treatment, and incremental return-to-sport programs, physiotherapy can help with the recovery of hamstring injuries. To speed up recovery and prevent re-injury, strategies like eccentric loading workouts and running mechanics analysis, including biomechanical assessment, may also be used.


How We Can Help!

Injuries associated to lacrosse are managed and prevented in large part by Physiotherapy. The use of manual therapy, exercise therapy, education about injury prevention, and pain management techniques are all possible treatment modalities.

In order to reduce the risk of injury and improve performance on the field, physiotherapists can also offer advice on appropriate warm-up and cool-down routines, conditioning programs, protective equipment selection, and technique modification.