
Cycling is a well-liked sport and leisure activity, but it can put particular demands on the body and cause specific kinds of injuries.

What We Treat

We have worked with elite competitors to those who enjoy a sunny cycle; and there’s many things we can do to help whether you’re in pain or not to maximise performance.

The following is a list of some common injuries that cyclists could sustain and how physiotherapy might help:

Knee Pain/Injuries:
Physiotherapy can help in identifying and treating the causes of knee pain that stem from issues such as muscular imbalances, improper bike fit, and improper pedalling style. Exercises to strengthen the hip and quadriceps, stretches, and modifications to the bike’s fit are all possible forms of treatment. Physiotherapy can help by addressing any biomechanical problems or muscular imbalances that may contribute to tendonitis and other syndromes. Techniques used include manual treatment, mobilisations, stretching exercises, foam rolling, strengthening and more!


Lower Back Pain:
Lower back pain can occur when there are muscular issues, tightness and or stiffness in the spine and hips. The goal of physical therapy is to increase core stability, flexibility, and back and abdominal muscle strength. Modalities including manual treatment, posture improvement, and particular exercises help reduce pain and stop it from coming back.

Shoulder and Neck Pain:
Similarly higher up, physiotherapy can help mid, upper back, shoulder and neck pain by using manual therapy techniques, joint manipulation, posture correction, muscle strengthening exercises, and ergonomic changes. Additionally, stretching exercises and a well-fitted bike can lessen neck and shoulder stress. Over gripping, for example, is common and can lead to tightness you didn’t know you had!


Hand and wrist injuries:
Injuries such as Handlebar Palsy can occur. Physiotherapy can assist by educating patients on good grip and hand placement, advising the use of padding or gel gloves, and introducing exercises to strengthen and stretch the hands’ grips. Tightness is also common through the wrist muscles and we can release these structures through hands on treatment before addressing the causes.

Calf and Achilles injuries:
The calf and achilles are structures used heavily whilst cycling and thus they can be susceptible to injuries. Tightness or inflammation can be common but are easily aided through physiotherapy. Hands on manual therapy with a strengthening programme, often along with biomechanical assessment will be undertaken. By adding exercises to increase calf muscle strength and flexibility, eccentric loading regimens, and addressing any biomechanical aspects or training faults contributing to the condition, physiotherapy will help you recover and prevent further problems.


How We Can Help!

Cycling-related injuries can be prevented, treated, and recovered from with the help of physiotherapy!

Physiotherapists can offer advice on bike fit, posture, training methods, and injury prevention tactics in addition to treating specific injuries. To improve performance, lessen pain, and encourage a safe return to cycling activities, we work closely with cyclists to build individualised treatment plans that combine physical therapy techniques, therapeutic exercises, stretching, ergonomic changes, and education.